When I started this journey there were many inspirational people, books, and courses that I used to learn, grow and change. Here’s the list. Take a look and see what resonates.
Jennifer Sincero You are a Badass Book (catalyst for the first personal development course I took)
Jennifer Grace Clarity Catalyst Course (Online, one group call a week and self practice in between)
Dandapani Course in concentration and meditation (Online)
Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance (Online)
Christie Marie Sheldon Intuition 101 (Online, 1 conference call a week and one lesson a week; self practice in between)
Namaste With Love NY, Intuitive consultant I did the Destiny Birthday session where she does a 12 month look ahead and helps you prepare for your opportunities and challenges
Terry @ PURE Integrative Health Baltimore, MD Reiki Healing, Chakra Balancing, Detoxing Foot Baths
Hara the Vital Center of Man Book Power of Intention in the Tan tien located below the belly button its powerful connection to source above and earth below (haric line)
Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan Details on the human energy fields, chakras, flow of energy through the body, healing, and the levels and dimensions that make up human energy fields
Root Energy Healing Viki Scudiery Brooklyn, NY; Energy healer who trained under Barbara Brennan; distance healing and clearing of energetic blocks